Friday, May 31, 2019
Paranoia Essay -- Psychology Essays
Paranoia If it has been confirmed that brain equals behavior, then why dont we fear our own approximation processes? Persons with paranoia disorder are not aware that they are in fear of their own brains, but in some respect fear of oneself and what ones brain piece of tail create is exactly what persons with paranoia disorder experience. Everyone experiences sm every doses and bouts of paranoia on nearly a daily basis, but not everyone exists on its affects. Those with paranoia disorder deal with a ageless nagging that they cannot control because it tends to control them, hence your brain as your enemy. Though the causes of paranoia are not clearly defined in either social or medical fields, the obvious truth is that paranoia stems from the brain and the nervous system causing persons to be highly suspicious of other people (4). According to studies paranoia stems from several viable areas. Potential factors may be genetics, neurological abnormalities, and changes in brain chemistry. Acute, or short-term paranoia may occur in some individuals overwhelmed by stress (4). In terms of genetics, paranoia is not defined as something strictly hereditary, however there is a tendency towards its occurrence in families with members with schizophrenia or other psychical disorders (6). Socially speaking paranoia appears to be passed down from parent to child through shear exposure and environment. If certain personality traits are innate within a person, than the possibility of a genetic inclination towards paranoia does not appear way off base. This of course stems from discussion on whether or not personality is positive or innate. In almost everything somebody does, his or her personality comes through. The question of nature versu... that force themselves to become aware of their surroundings and insecure around all those surrounding them. 1) On the Couch Faces of Paranoia http// Paranoia http// lineplus/ency/article/000938.htm3) Paranoid Personality Disorder http// Paranoid Personality Disorderhttp// self Protection or Delusion? The Many Varieties of Paranoiahttp//,AQ25Q2AjQ3CbhQ25F,FIbQ2A5Q20Q7CG)OxQ25Ad,6) Useful Information on Paranoia http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Mathematics Technology Lesson Plan :: essays research papers
NTeQ Lesson PlanProject Title Developing Time ManagementUnit Topic Statistics and Data order of battleGrade Level High School (9th-12th)Overview Students all over the world seem to battle with time management. Many students are involved in extra-curricular activities, or they work while they attend school. Therefore, they not only incur the burden of the everyday school assignments, they have several responsibilities outside of school itself. This project impart allow students to communicate with students from other tellecollaborating classrooms to discuss the issue of expectations versus time and create a project on their info. This project depart provide the opportunity to look for topics on how our lifestyles affect our health. Another important aspect of this project is to propose ideas for why we are so constricted by time and if our time constraints have changed over the years. The project will take three weeks to complete and it will address content in mathematics, heal th, history, and language arts. The students will be responsible for create their own questions in the survey they will conduct. The surveys will need to be word processed. They will survey a variety of people asking fop students how much time they spend various activities each day. The students will then classify the information into categories they feel are important. These categories can be discussed with the tellecollaborating classrooms for further input. at one time they have collected sufficient data they will pitch the information on a spreadsheet through a program like Microsoft Excel. After analyzing the data the students will research the information they found through resources such as the library and/or Internet. Once the students have gained sufficient knowledge from their research they will need to develop a paper/presentation on the effects of time constraints and how it has changed through out the years. They can begin by organizing their ideas using image map software. In displaying the data the student will have the opportunity to develop a PowerPoint presentation.Objectives Students will be able toCollect data and present ideas that support the data.Present the data in the form of a spreadsheet.Analyze data to support and draw conclusions.Classify information.Identify ways to collect information. declare data and interpretation of data in a presentation.Expand their understanding of mathematics in real world settings.Understand and interpret graphs and charts. benchmarks/Standards Patterns, Relationships and Functions(Strand I, Standard I, and Benchmark II)Analyze, interpret and translate among representations of patterns including tables, charts, graphs, matrices and vectors.Patterns, Relationships and Functions
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Girls and Selfie Culture: Empowering or Narcissistic? Essay -- self-est
Art, specifically the self-portrait, has evolved along with technology and social media. With the technological generation, the self portrait has become a selfie. But what consort of social implications come along with this new trend?Thesis State ment Selfies give women and girls the power to represent themselves the way they wish to be seen, boost self-esteem, and could level shift the standard of beauty to something more realistic. How Selfies got StartedIn any art history class, there is one topic that is always covered the self-portrait. All abundant artists from Leonardo Da Vinci to Jackson Pollock have immortalized themselves in the form of autobiographical portraiture. Female self portraits are specifically significant. Until the 20th century, women were rarely learn in the art of painting. Usually, the only female artists were the daughters of male artists. This was because it was necessary for apprentices of artists to live and ready with the senior artist. Of cou rse, it was socially unacceptable for a woman to live with a man to whom she was not married. Therefore, most portraits of women pre-20th century are not self portraits, but instead portraits painted by male painters. We can recognize these portraits by the fact that the subjects gaze is never at the viewer, but rather to the side or downwards, due to the fact that women were not meant to look men in the eye.One female artist pre-20th century who created a famous self-portrait is Marie-Denise Villers. Her most famous painting, Young Woman Drawing, was once thought to be the work of Jacques-Louis David. According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, many paintings, especially portraits of young women, which were formerly attributed to Jacques Louis David or... ...pinto, Lauren. Artist Selfies Everybodys Doing It. Muddy Colors (blog), January 23, 2014. http// (accessed March 3, 2014).Ryan, Erin Gloria. Selfies Are nt Empowering. Theyre a Cry for Help.. Jezebel (blog), November 21, 2013. http// (accessed March 1, 2014).Simmons, Rachel. Selfies Are honest for Girls. Slate (blog), November 20, 2013. http// (accessed March 1, 2014).Winter, Jessica. Selfie-loathing. Slate (blog), July 23, 2013. http// (accessed March 1, 2014).
The spread and localization of Buddhism and Islam into Southeast Asia E
The dissemination of religion first began through contact with neighbouring countries which gradually expand throughout the years. Buddhism and Islam are iodine of the most widespread religions crossways Southeast Asian countries like Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. divvy up merchants and imperial support of the religion played as major factors which facilitated and localised the spread of Buddhism and Islam within various countries. However, there were limitations present which hindered the development of each religion in Southeast Asia as introduction of newer religions and changes within imperial power which would collect affected their progression to become fully localised pre-1800s. After the death of Buddha around the 5th century, divisions within the religion began to grow due to differences in the version of Buddhas teaching thus resulted in Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism (Bowker 2007, 140-141). Till this day, Theravada Buddhism per sists predominant in Southeast Asia. Theravada Buddhism focuses their beliefs on the personal liberation whilst Mahayana Buddhism regards itself on the teaching of compassion for each living being (Berzin 2010). The spread of Buddhism, mainly Theravada, first began around early 3rd century BCE when Buddhist emissaries were sent to Indonesia and Burma by Indian emperor Asoka (Gosling 2002, 84-85). During and after(prenominal) his reign, his constant advocacy had sustained the faiths position throughout Southeast Asia, influencing his children to introduce Buddhism into Sri Lanka during the first and second century CE (Gosling 2002, 82) which spread across to Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam (Swearer 1997, 90). This was further developed due to the mass influx of Indian merc... ...ry CE when Muslim merchants, accompanied by missionary Sufis, from India and Arabia arrived through the Indian Ocean concern route for business (Johnston 2002, 291). However, it wasnt until the 13th century when Islam began to spread across Southeast Asia from Sumatra through to Java until reaching Borneo and Philippines in the 16th century (Houben 2003, 153). Trade was not the only purpose indicated from Muslim merchants as Sufis brought about the localization of Islamic organisations for Islamic teachings which would appeal to locals and their rulers for valuable networks (Johnston 2002, 291). This presence of Islam was recorded by Moroccan traveller Marco Polo in the late 13th century which indicated the advancement of Islam localisation where citizens of Perlak, Sumatra and the Pasai king, Sultan Al-Malikus Saleh were already converted as Muslims (Mutalib 2008).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Comparing the Role of the Narrator in Melville’s Benito Cereno, Henry James’ Daisy Miller and Hwang :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Comparing the Role of the Narrator in Melvilles Benito Cereno, Henry James Daisy Miller and Hwangs M. mash write stories differ in numerous ways, but most of them have one thing in common they all have a cashier that, on either r ar occasions or more regularly, help to tell the story. Sometimes, the fibber is a vital part of the story since without him or her, it would not be possible to tell the story in the same way, and sometimes, the narrator has a very small role in the story. However, he or she is always there, and to equality how different authors use, and do not use, this outside perspective writing tool, a comparison between Herman Melvilles Benito Cereno, Henry James Daisy Miller, and David Henry Hwangs M. Butterfly will be done.One of the basic functions of the narrator is to describe the actions that occur from an outside perspective. Since almost no characters will describe the basic actions, i.e. how people are moving, in the plot, it is necessary to use the narrator as help in this issue. All three works that are compared in this essay, Daisy Miller, Benito Cereno and M. Butterfly, use this technique sort of much and in very similar ways. First of all, we have James who never writes any words without explicit meaning to the story. As a result, the narrators descriptions of simple actions are often short and concise Daisy looked at him for a moment (James 108). However, since M. Butterfly is originally written to be performed and not read, Hwang uses the narrator to describe the stage for the reader. Therefore, most of the narrators comments are related to how the characters move on stage, and how the stage itself looks like They start to walk about the stage. It is a summer night on the Beijing streets. Sounds of the city play on the house speakers (Hwang 21). Melville, on the other hand, uses the narrator for more detailed purposes. He often adds specific details to the descriptions small hints of what is still to come in the storyline. A g ood example of this is when he describes how the two captains in the story are stand up on the deck While most part of the story was being given, the two captains stood on the after part of the main deck, a privileged spot, no one being near but the servant (Melville 45).
Comparing the Role of the Narrator in Melville’s Benito Cereno, Henry James’ Daisy Miller and Hwang :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Comparing the Role of the Narrator in Melvilles Benito Cereno, Henry James Daisy Miller and Hwangs M. flutter write stories differ in numerous ways, but most of them have one thing in common they all have a teller that, on either r are occasions or more regularly, help to tell the story. Sometimes, the teller is a vital part of the story since without him or her, it would not be possible to tell the story in the same way, and sometimes, the narrator has a very small role in the story. However, he or she is always there, and to contrast how different authors use, and do not use, this outside perspective writing tool, a comparison between Herman Melvilles Benito Cereno, Henry James Daisy Miller, and David Henry Hwangs M. Butterfly will be done.One of the basic functions of the narrator is to describe the actions that occur from an outside perspective. Since almost no characters will describe the basic actions, i.e. how people are moving, in the plot, it is necessary to use the narr ator as help in this issue. All three works that are compared in this essay, Daisy Miller, Benito Cereno and M. Butterfly, use this technique instead much and in very similar ways. First of all, we have James who never writes any words without explicit meaning to the story. As a result, the narrators descriptions of simple actions are often short and concise Daisy looked at him for a moment (James 108). However, since M. Butterfly is originally written to be performed and not read, Hwang uses the narrator to describe the stage for the reader. Therefore, most of the narrators comments are related to how the characters move on stage, and how the stage itself looks like They start to walk about the stage. It is a summer night on the Beijing streets. Sounds of the city play on the house speakers (Hwang 21). Melville, on the other hand, uses the narrator for more detailed purposes. He often adds specific details to the descriptions small hints of what is still to come in the storyline. A good example of this is when he describes how the two captains in the story are rest on the deck While most part of the story was being given, the two captains stood on the after part of the main deck, a privileged spot, no one being near but the servant (Melville 45).
Monday, May 27, 2019
George Washington Farewell Speech
Early in 1796 President George upper-case letter decided that he didnt pauperism to run for a ternary term as the United States President. President George Washington started drafting his F arewell Address . The Address was drafted multiple times in part due to black lovage Hamiltons suggestions. This address was hand written in crafted into a 32 page speech that warned Americans on issues such avoiding excessive political party whole step and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances with other nations.President George Washingtons Farewell address was printed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania In folk of 1796. The Final manuscript of this speech can be found at New York Public Library. I will be summarizing the major points of George Washingtons Farewell address to the American people. First, George Washington opened his Farewell Speech by expressing his gratitude to the Country by sticking by his side when America was in a crisis. Washingt on urged all Americans to stay focused and not to allow any entity to break the Sprit and power of America. He made a convincing dividing line to Americans to be patriotic and loyal to their estate.Washington also encouraged Americans to stick with the foundations of the Constitution of America and not to be so quick to ratify the physical com localisation he urged to give the standing laws of the constitution a chance. In Addition to being loyal and patriotic, Washington also encouraged Americans not to have political parties. Washington argued that if there was an existence of political parties, there would be a power struggle between the two parties. Washington more specifically urged the estate not to have regional political parties because it would cause extreme problems still 2 s it had during the American Revolutionary War. Washington explained that political parties should be avoided at all cost. Washington also talked about America investing in a good educational syste m. He justified this idea by reflection in order for America to have an intellectual government its people need to be well educated. Also, Washington urged America to avoid permanent Rivals or Alliances illustrating that if America did have permanent Rivals or alliances nothing good would come out of it. Washington told Americans to keep peace, that was the scoop out way for a newly country to thrive.He stated that permanent Alliances would only cause issues with the country youre in alliance with because you would have to give up things you dont want to give up, there would be a possibility of divided loyalty between your own citizens, and jealousy was another issue that could possibly arise. Although Washington inappropriate of permanent Rivals or Alliances he was in favor of alliances when fighting a defensive war, alliances are okay in emergencies he stated. Another point that Washington made in his Farewell speech was that morals and religious belief both play a major role in politics, law, and government.He stated that without religion it would be hard to trust anyone who swears under an oath of the law. Washington also made the point that a good politico in a position such as leadership should possess good morals and a religious foundation. Washington began to close the speech with express that he did his absolute best in leading the country in his two terms that he served. He stated that the whole purpose of his leave address was to leave a record behind that the country could refer to in the future if these issues arise.President George Washington served two terms of presidency and declined the third term offer. Washington was just and fair when it came to his position in power and he never displayed an attitude of being boastful or superior. He displayed all the qualities of a good commander and chief. His Farewell speech was the exit of his presidency. This speech was amazing because George Washington pointed out a lot of issues that America should avoid in order to survive as a new nation. Many of the issues that he addressed turned into reality.In the past two hundred years America has experienced many if not all of these issues that Washington talked about during his speech. Washington was well respected by his peers as well as the American people. He left an incredible bequest behind his name George Washington. I enjoy reading your discussion board demonstrate question. Christian you made some very valid points in your essay that I will like to point out. First, you stated that there is not a clear cut separation of church in state in the United States constitution.I agree with you there is not an underlining separation between the two (church and state). As you read the language of the constitution you notice that there are religious foundations at the root of this document. It is evident that Religion was very all important(p) to the founding fathers because they included religious principles in all of the count rys important documents. In George Washingtons Farewell speech he stated that morals and religion both play a major role in politics, law, and government. He stated that without religion it would be hard to trust anyone who swears under an oath of the law.Washington also made the point that a good politician in a position such as leadership should possess good morals and a religious foundation. Washington began to close the speech with saying that he did his absolute best in leading the country in his two terms that he served. He stated that the whole purpose of his farewell address was to leave a record behind that the country could refer to in the future if these issues arise. In your essay you could have addressed the current relationship between church and state in politics. Overall this was a well written essay, you did an excellent job.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ohio Permits Test
As per Ohios child restraint law, children who are under the age of intravenous feeding and entreat less than 40 pounds moldiness be properly restrained in an approved child safety seat.If a car approaches you with bright headlights, you must regard toward the right spring of the avenue, to pr even outt being temporarily blinded.When you fomite starts to skid in winter due to icy road conditions, you must turn the direct wheel in the direction of the skid. You must maintain a safe stopping surpass between you and the vehicle ahead by undermentioned the four- instant rule.On one-way roads, yellow lines are used as left-edge linesPassing on the left is non permitted within 100 feet of a bridge, viaduct or cut intoWhen you are closely following another vehicle at night, you must use low-beam headlightsWhen you intend to turn, you must give the turn signal at least__________before the actual turn. 100 feetThis sign with two arrows allows vehicles from either direction to train a left turnOn one-way streets, the driver may putting green a vehicle parallel to and not more than__________ from the right or left curb. 25 inchesThis sign in construction zones indicates a flag personIf your vehicle stalls while on the tracks and a train is approaching, you must get out of the vehicle and run as far away from the tracks as you canWhen you are approached by an emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights and an audible signal, you must immediately drive to a position parallel to the right edge or curb of the road or highway and stopIt is against the law to make a left turn on red light withdraw from one one-way street to anotherYou are allowed to drive in the left lane of the highway in all of the following situations, except * when lamentable slower than the posted speed limit You must use headlights when natural light conditions do not make it assertable to clearly see objects __________ ahead. * m feet * On a multiple-lane roadway with several lanes in one direction, you must use_________ for passing. * the middle and left lanesAll regulatory devices on the road instruct you * to stop, motivate in a certain direction, or limit your speed * Because of their size trucks/buses often study to move ________to make right turns. * to the left lane * __________ are zones around a truck or a heavy vehicle where other vehicles disappear into blind spots.No-zones When is it legal to pass another vehicle utilise the shoulder of a road? * You are not legally allowed to pass using the shoulder of a road * The driver of the car being passed must _________ until the pass is complete. * not increase speed * A barrier of grass, concrete or other material separating two roadways, including interstate highways is known as * a median * When you encounter a yellow arrow signal while turning left at an intersection, you must * clear the intersection quicklyWhich of the following situations are ideal for overtaking and passing another vehicle on t he right? when the vehicle you are passing is making or about to make a left turn * Black on orange signs on a highway identify * specific information and directions to drivers in work zones * To cancel a head-on collision when you see an oncoming vehicle in your lane, you must * steer right toward the shoulder or curb-line * A vehicles stopping distance is equal to * the sum of the braking distance and reaction distance * When you meet a truck coming from the opposite direction, keep as far as possible to the spot to avoid a sideswipe accident and to reduce the wind turbulence between the two vehicles. High-beams reflect off rain, fog and falling snow. This makes it even harder for you to see where you are going. For better visibility during these weather conditions, keep your vehicles headlights on low-beam. * A broken white line separates two lanes travelling in the corresponding direction. Once you have signaled and if it is safe to do so, you may cross this line when changin g lanes. * If your vehicle is hit from the side, your body will be thrown toward the side that is hit. When a vehicle is struck from the side, it quickly moves sideways.Everything in the car that is not secured, including the driver and passengers, will slide toward the point of crash, not away from it. * On approaching the modern roundabout, yield to vehicles and bicyclists within the circulating roadway. Look to your left to see if there is an appropriate gap in traffic. If one is not available, you may need to stop. Always enter the roundabout to the right and proceed on the right side of the central island * Aggressive driving is the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.If you notice a driver behind you repeatedly flashing headlights, you should not penalise or in any way engage the other driver. Get out of the way. * When two vehicles meet on a steep mountain road where neither can pass, the vehicle traveling down hill must yield the right-of-way by backing up until the vehicle going uphill can pass. The vehicle facing downhill has the greater amount of control when backing. * You must never begin to cross railroad tracks unless the tracks can be cleared without stopping. Never incline gears while crossing. When making a U-turn, drivers must yield the right-of-way to oncoming vehicles and pedestrians. You should never make a U-turn on a curve in the road or when approaching the crest of a hill or grade. * Large flashing or sequencing arrow panels may be used in work zones some(prenominal) day and night to guide drivers into certain traffic lanes and to inform them that part of the road or street ahead is closed. * If you are approached by an emergency vehicle in a roundabout, you must not stop or confide over for the emergency vehicle.You should continue on and exit as normal, then pull to the right, so there is room for the emergency vehicle to pass. * If the traffic signal is not operati ng or is malfunctioning, treat the intersection as a four way stop. The driver must come to a complete stop before moving further. * Avoid driving next to other vehicles on multi-lane roads. person may crowd your lane or try to change lanes and pull into you * Motorcyclists need a full lane width like other vehicles. car drivers should never move into the same lane with a motorcycle, even if the lane is wide and the cyclist is riding to one side. An interchange is the connection of a information superhighway to a road or another freeway by a series of ramps. The connecting roadways allow you to leave one road and enter another safely, without disrupting the operate of traffic. * You may pass on the right only when the vehicle ahead is making a left turn or going straight. You must not pass when another vehicle is making a right turn. * When you turn your head to check the blind spots, make sure you keep the steering wheel straight people have a natural tendency to turn their arm s in the same direction as their head turns.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Tadao Ando
Tadao Ando GA Architecture 12 VOL. 2 1988-1993 This book talks about Tadao Andos projects in a chronological order, the publication mainly full treatment with photographs and overview drawings, but they have a lack of detail drawings and some landscape sketches.His designs have this very specific style that is unique in a disparate sense than his western colleagues, his raw usage of concrete in the 90is a very clear architectural language that was only beginning to develop with different practices. He has a dialogue between everything that surrounded his projects, he liked the idea of having open spaces for people to gather around to chat, talk or make up better exchange opinions or ideas like the plazas in the ancient Greeks.His way of dialogue is not easy to understand cause of the variety he ever includes with opposites or extremes such as light/shadow, East/West or the colors given by the nature these can only be entangle or seen for the human but he had other ways of dialo gue that would be nature with people, architecture with nature, people with architecture, people with people and it could also be with himself like a way of conscience.This architect never cared about the size of his projects they could be a 44 house or a great museum in a far away forest, the only thing he cared about was to synchronize the harmony for every living thing or end (in this case his architectures) inside or outside the structure to live together in peace and for the humanity to enjoy the spaces given to them. One of my favorite working in this book is the Miyashita House in Kobe, Hyogo.This house has three stories all of them organized with different purposes, a studio and master room are in the lower ground, middle section has the dining room where it has a beautiful well-made spiral staircase leading up to a bedroom and continues up to an astronomical observatory, I think this idea is amazing having a house like this to enjoy yourself the wonders of the sky.This s tructure is rectangular with a semi triangle on its side, it has lots of opened space and huge windows for the sunlight to light up inside, all the walls are made of reinforced concrete masonry and this architecture is surrounded by nature with an incredible view overlooking West Kobe and the Inland sea of Japan.
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Case Study of Wegmans Food Markets Essay
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., is one of the premier grocery chains in the United States. Headquartered in Rochester, NY, Wegmans operates over 70 p arentages. The company employs over 23,000 people, and has annual sales of over Rs. 2.0 billion. Wegmans has a strong reputation for offering its customers high convergence quality and excellent serve up. Through a combination of market research, trial and error, and listening to its customers, Wegmans has evolved into a very successful organization. In fact, Wegmans is so commodity at what it does that grocery chains all over the country send representatives to Wegmans for a firsthand look at operations.Many of the companys stores are titan 100,000 square foot superstores, double or triple the size of average supermarkets. A superstore typically employs from 500 to 600 people. Individual stores differ somewhat in hurt of actual size and some special features. Aside from the features normally found in supermarkets, they generally hol d in a large bakery Section (each store bakes its own bread, rolls, cakes, pies, and pastries), and extra-large stimulate sections. They in addition offer film processing a complete pharmacy, a card shop and video rentals. In-store floral shops range in size up to 800 square feet of space, and offer a wide variety of fresh-cut flowers, flower arrangements, varies and plants.In-store card shops covers over 1000 square feet of narration of floor space. The bulk foods department provides customers with the opportunity to select what quantities they desire from a vast array of foodstuffs and some nonfood items. Each store is a little different. Among the special features in some stores are a dry cleaning department, a wokery, and a salad bar. Some feature a Market Cafe that has different food stations, each devoted to preparing and serving a certain type of food. For example, one station has pizza and other Italian specialties, and another oriental food. There are also being a sandwi ch bar, a salad bar and a dessert station. clients often wander among stations as they decide what to order. In several sufficient locations, customers can stop in on their way home from work and choose from a selection of freshly prepared dinner entrees. Some stores have a coffee shop section with tables and chairs where shoppers can enjoy regular or specialty coffees and variety of tempting pastries.The company prides itself on fresh produce. call forth is replenished as often as 12 times a day. The larger stores have produce sections that are four to five times the size of a produce section of an average supermarket. Wegmans offers locally grown produce a season. Wegmans uses a farm to market system whereby some local growers deliver their produce directly to individual stores, bypassing the main warehouse. That reduces the companys inventory holding costs and gets the produce into the stores as quickly as possible. Growers may use in particular designed containers that go rig ht onto the store floor instead of large bins. This avoids the bruising that often occurs when fruits and vegetables are takered from bins to display shelves and the need to devote labor to transfer the produce to shelves.In addition to large display cases of both fresh and frozen meat products, many stores have a full-service butcher shop that offers a variety of fresh meat products and where butchers are available to provide customized cuts of meat for customers.Each department handles its own ordering. Although sales records are available from records of items scanned at the check starts, they are not used directly for replenishing stock. Other factors, such as pricing, special promotions, local circumstances must all be taken into account. However, for seasonal periods, such as holidays, managers often check scanner records to learn what past demand was during a comparable period. The superstores typically receive one truckload of goods per day from the main warehouse.During blossom periods, a store may receive two truckloads from the main warehouse. The short lead-time greatly reduce the length of the time an item might be out of stock, unless the main warehouse is also out of stock. The company exercises strict control over suppliers, insisting on product quality and on-time deliveries.The company recognises the value of good employees. It typically invests an average of Rs.7000 to train each new employee. In addition to learning about stores operations, new employees learn the importance of good customer service and how to provide it. The employees are helpful, cheerfully answering customer questions or handling complaints. Employees are motivated through a combination of compensation, profit sharing, and benefits.Quality and Customer satisfaction are utmost in the minds of Wegmans management and its employees. Private label food items as well as name soils are regularly evaluated in test kitchens, along with the potential new products. Managers are responsible for checking and maintaining products and service quality in their departments. Moreover, employees are encouraged to report problems to their managers.If a customer is dissatisfied with an item and returns it, or even a portion of the item, the customer is offered a choice of a replacement or a refund. If the item is a Wegmans brand food item, it is then sent to the test kitchen to determine the cause of the problem. If the cause can be determined, corrective action is taken.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
16th Century Story-Romeo and Juliet
16th century was the golden period for English literature culminating from the age of Renaissance born from the deathbed of medieval scholasticism to whole new thoughts, ideas and culture. The human thoughts were free from the bondage of fixed principles of Aristotelian philosophy to the doctrines of Christianity. The period of Renaissance implied a perception of greater beauty and round in the Greek and Latin Scholars. In separate words, it was a birth of a kind of new inventiveness in classicism. The renaissance revived antediluvian classical learning into an arena of Dramatics. Play writers from liturgical play shifted to the miracle to morality and from the morality to the interlude and from their journey began to with the regular drama of Elizabethan age.Play writers began to avoid classicist approach in favor of originality and secular ideas defying the old conventional ways. In this air of new thoughts and ideologies and certain social obstructions plaguing the theater wo rld, there was born William Shakespeare, a new soul to whom Ben Johnson a worthy rival and harsh critic gave his glowe tri barelye with these wordsSoul of the ageApplause Delight the c e very(prenominal) last(predicate) into question of our stage Triumph, my Britain Thou hast whizz to show,To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.He was not of an age, barely for all the time. (Payne & Hunter 2003)Shakespeare genius operated in his capacity to capture the aloofness and breath of human lifes and character in all its complexity and variety and has touched all(prenominal) element of human experience and every segment of human sensibility. Within his plays are interlaced the stories in all his variegated form whether it was passion of Othello or agonized sense and spirited hamlet or the tortured souls of romantic couple Romeo and Juliet. Story of Romeo and Juliet breathes within the heart and soul of copers for many generations ahead and is admired and loved by very one.It was Rom eo & Juliet that has make Shakespeare realized his full potential as play writer, and he could have been 26 years old then and made him stand apart than the domiciliate of his contemporaries. It was written around 1595 when the major tremor struck London in 1540, and he mentioned this episode through the voice of Nurse in Act 11, scene 3, line 23. (Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation 1996)Romeo and Juliet should not be visualized as only a tragic love story but deep within lies prejudices of tradition and practices that was the hallmark of the society 16th century. Society demanded women and men, some(prenominal) to adhere to family honor by following the tradition of families even if it was at the cost of bloodshed and the end of love. It is a story of love that flourished even though there was a strong rivalry between two families arrive at to the extent of killings.Montagues and the Capulets are enemies, always ready to parcel out revenge on each other, entangling themselv es in bloody feud on the streets of Verona. Each time one member of a family is killed, his relatives will be eager to sort revenge by taking blood of the other and if any one found Romeo shock Juliet, he is sure to get killed. In this environment of deep hatred and bloodshed, Shakespeare gave a very fervent place to love. Lovers enjoy each others company and total their affection for each other, and say all what lovers would love to say to each other. Till today, lovers take the example of love of Romeo and Juliet.It is better to die rather than sleep together without their love, is an essence that spreads through Romeo Juliet and within all of us. They both meet strangely and it is misunderstanding that kills them both. It was the love at first sight and it is to the Shakespeare genius that he told to all the lovers the fact that love at first sight could culminate in true love.The story start with these linesTwo households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay o ur scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean (Act I, Prologue)And amidst all the confusions and in an effort to meet, both Romeo and Juliet die. Their death was the origination of new rays of hope for the peace. Both died but it was the love finally that won. The play culminates with the wordsFor never was a story of more distress (sorrow) Than this of Juliet and her Romeo. (Act V, Scene III)Romeo and Juliet have all the elements that could make it a good story. It has a mend, climax, accurate settings, characters, symbolism and theme that have made it one of the masterpieces. Amidst this, Shakespeare has knitted very beautifully elements of both distressing scenes but along with that humor, bloody battles and civil enmity, and naive love and unapprised hate formed the part of this play. The setting of Romeo and Juliet besidesk place in the cities of Verona and Mantua, Italy, within a span of four days. Majority of the action too k place at Verona except the scene Act V, scene 1 which occurred in Mantua.The settings demote the social life with certain political nuances. Verona became a battlefield due to bloody revenges between Capulet and Montague families and it was a place where Romeo and Juliet were told that they should hate each other owing to their genre. Romeo and Juliet shower their love for each other at the fruitful Capulet orchard at Verona, whereas at Mantua, Romeo is exiled after he kills Tybalt.The lovers took their lives too at the Capulet tomb.Weather in like manner plays a most crucial aspect to settings. It is a month of July when major incidents happen. The July is a hot season good enough to escalate the tempers of every one. Temper of characters rises superior quite often even at the slightest pretext and ends only after bloody revenge. Romeo in whose heart there is an ardent love for Juliet he too takes revenge on Tybalt and is banished. In the end, without any second thought thinki ng Juliet is dead, he kills himself. The hot weather is also a sign of igniting the sexual and love passion between Romeo and Juliet.The play starts with a prologue, as was the general tendency among play writers of that era, which is followed by the sequence of events covered in five acts. Unlike other Shakespearean plays, there is a single plot, which is enacted onstage and is in chronological order. There are no flashbacks and the focus is shown on Romeo throughout the play. The structure of plot is very well developed with exposition, climax, rising and falling action, denouement and symbolism. The climax arises at several points in the story. In one of them, it reaches the point when Juliet takes a deglutition pretending to be dead and Romeo did not receive the correct letter.Shakespeare uses less of symbolism yet it is a very important part of the play. Light and unlit images reflects the intensity of love that is sparking between Romeo and Juliet and their glory of happines s when they are together and sadness when separated. The light and dark images are the symbolic of devilish yet hefty forces bringing them together and also separating them. Darkness brings Romeo and Juliet together whereas light separates them, but darkness again prevails when Romeo dies. In other words, world is not stable but is a constantly changing.There is always a light after day and day after light. The other symbols are swords representing violent attitude and poison which is not basically evil as it was assumption to Juliet by Friar Lawrence to make her appear dead. But the irony of the fact is that this potion became a cause of the death. Thus it adopts duple purpose. It became a cause of death but rejoined the two bitter enemies. Another symbol thumb biting by the buffoonish Samson is not a very important symbol but shows the incoherent pride and vulgur display of power.Romeo and Juliets characters breath life but not much effort is given to character development. Unl ike Macbeth, it is a plot that has generated much interest. The more emphasis is give to the character of Romeo who looses temper very soon. He is just a jejune whose love at first sight changes the whole scenario and life of both the families.Shakespeare is worlds greatest play writer and all this elements are so well structured together that they make us realize emotions and appeals of lovebirds within our souls. Society crushed their love by their intriguing patterns and traditional approach, yet from the play, also emerges that eventually in the end it is the love only that always blossom.Romeo and Juliet is a true reflection of society of 15-16th century. Royal families pride and their sense of revenge take their and their relatives and even their children on the bed of blood. But this is not an end though Romeo and Juliet died yet they are there within all of us inspiring in us the true love.With poetic diction and eloquent words, Shakespeare challenges the old traditional wa ys to give fresh lease of life. It is an end of Romeo and Juliet but a beginning for many more Romeo and Juliets in this world.REFERENCE LISTBates Alfred. 1906. ROMEO AND JULIET An analysis of the play by Shakespeare The Drama Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization Vol. 14. pp. 6-13. London Historical produce Company. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W http// William. 1817. ROMEO AND JULIET An analysis of the play by William Shakespeare. (Originally published in Characters of Shakespeares Plays. London C.H. Reynell) Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.Whttp// Bill. The Power and Passion of Love and Hate A check into of Romeo and Juliet. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W http// Amanda. 2000. (Updated 2006) An Analysis of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare Online. Retriev ed on January 13, 2008 from http// Barbara A. and Werstine Paul. 1992. Romeo and Juliet. New Folger Library Shakespeare edition.Payne Michael & Hunter John. 2003. Renaissance Literature An Anthology. Blackwell Publishing.Shakespeare William.2001. Romeo and Juliet (Contributor Roma Gill) Published by Oxford University Press.Siegal Paul N. 1961. Christianity and the Religion of Love in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare Quarterly 12(4) pp. 371-392Smirnov Aleksandr. 1936. Shakespeare A Marxist Interpretation. (Translated by SONIA VOLOCHOVA, Transcribed by Sally Ryan for, 2000.) New York The Critics Group.Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. 1996. The Tragedy. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W http//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Mkt 421 Final Exam
1) According to the text, commercialiseing means A. Selling. B. Much more than selling and advertising. C. Producing and selling. D. Advertising. 2) For Tesla, a advanced home that fools an electrical sports elevator car, estimating how many competitors depart make electric vehicles and what kinds they will make, is A. A reapingion activity. B. One of the universal functions of innovation. C. An exercising of the micro-macro dilemma. D. A part of merchandising. 3) Which of the pursual statements beaver describes the advance(a) view of market? A. marketing should take over production, accounting, and financial services within a firm.B. The job of selling is to lounge around rid of whatever the union is producing. C. merchandise is concerned with generating a single ex qualify between a firm and a customer. D. marting begins with anticipating potential customer needs. 4) Professional Dental deliver has been successfully selling dental instruments to dentists for the past 20 years, and has developed strong customer relations. When looking for new marketing opportunities, Professional Dental Supply will most likely look first at A. grocery store learning. B. Diversification. C. Product development. D. Market penetration. ) To compete more successfully with its many competitors strikeering packaged cookies, famous Amos added its own line of extra chunky premium cookies. This seems to be an effort at A. Market development. B. Market penetration. C. Product development. D. Combination. 6) Which of the following statements regarding marketing strategies is FALSE? A. development successful marketing strategies does non need to be a hit-or-miss proposition. B. These strategies must meet the needs of target customers, and a firm is likely to get a competitive advantage if it just meets needs in the same way as some other firm. C.These strategies require decisions about the specific customers the firm will target and the marketing mix the firm will develop to appeal to that target market. D. It is dropful to think of the marketing strategy planning sue as a narrowing-down process. 7) A firms marketing mix decision areas would non include A. Price B. People C. Product D. Promotion 8) Which of the following is true? A. The product P in the marketing mix stands for only tangible merchandise. B. The product P in the marketing mix stands for both physical goods and services. C. The product P in the marketing mix stands for both physical goods and tangible D.The product P in the marketing mix stands for only physical goods. 9) Product is non concerned with A. Wholesale price. B. Branding. C. Packaging. D. Quality level. 10) Dell, Inc. wants to offer customers televisions in addition to computers. This is a change in their _____________________ A. personnel. B. packagingal. C. product. D. pricing. 11) Hewlett-Packard sells personal computers through specialty computer stores, electronics superstores, and its own profits site. The marketing mix variable that is being considered here is A. Product. B. Placement. C. Promotional. D. Pricing. 2) The ______ area of the marketing mix is concerned with decisions about getting the right product to the target market when and where it is wanted. A. Promotion B. Place C. People D. Product 13) The main difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan is that A. A marketing strategy provides more detail. B. A marketing strategy omits pricing plans. C. A marketing plan includes several marketing strategies. D. Time- tie in details are included in a marketing plan. 14) A marketing plan is A. A marketing strategyplus the time-related details for carrying it out. B. A target market and a related marketing mix.C. A marketing strategy. D. A marketing program. 15) Which of the following is part of a complete marketing plan? A. Competitors marketing strategies. B. What company resources (costs) are indispensable and at what rate. C. How different marketing mixes (for different target markets) relate to each other. D. All of these. 16) Marketing strategy planners should recognize that A. Large firms like General Electric, Target, and Procter & run a risk are too large to aim at clearly defined markets. B. Target marketing is not cumbered to small market segments. C. Mass marketing is often genuinely effective and desirable. D.Target markets should not be large and spread out. 17) Target marketing, in contrast to mass marketing, A. Ignores markets that are large and spread out. B. Focuses on fairly homogeneous market segments. C. Assumes that all customers are basically the same. D. Is limited to small market segments. 18) Good marketing strategy planners whap that A. Mass marketing is often very desirable and effective. B. The terms mass marketing and mass marketer mean basically the same thing. C. Target marketing does not limit angiotensin converting enzyme to small market segments. D. Firms like Nabisco and WalMart are too large to a im at clearly defined target markets. 9) ______________ is the process of naming wide of the mark product-markets and then segmenting these extensive product-markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes. A. Mass marketing B. Market positioning C. Diversification D. Market air division 20) Clustering techniques applied to segmenting markets A. Usually require computers to group people based on data from market research. B. Re black market the need for managerial judgment. C. slip by the need for marketing managers to specify in advance what dimensions might be relevant for grouping consumers. D. All of the above are true. 1) The process of naming broad product-markets and then segmenting them in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes is called A. Market development. B. Market penetration. C. Market research. D. Market segmentation. 22) Procedures that develop and analyze new information to succor marketing managers make decisions are called A. Analytical research. B. Strategy planning. C. Marketing research. D. Operational planning. 23) ________________ ________________ utilizes qualitative and quantitative analysis procedures to help marketing managers make more informed decisions. A. Marketing structure.B. Marketing planning. C. Marketing research. D. Marketing processing. 24) A ______________ is an organized way of continually gathering and analyzing data to get information to help marketing managers make ongoing decisions. A. Marketing research project B. Marketing information system C. Marketing research department D. Marketing model 25) Marketing research which seeks structured responses that can be summarized is called A. Qualitative research. B. Focus group research. C. Situation analysis research. D. Quantitative research. 26) One of the major disadvantages of the focus group oppugn approach is hat A. It is difficult to get in-depth information about the research topic. B. It is diff icult to measure the results objectively. C. There is no interviewer, so the research questions may not be answered. D. Ideas generated by the group cannot be tested later with other research. 27) Focus groups A. Always do a good job of representing the broader target market. B. fork over results that are largely dependent on the viewpoint of the researcher. C. Are expensive compared to other marketing research methods. D. Are usually composed of 10 to 15 people as participants. 28) The observing method in marketing researchA. Is use to gather data without consumers being influenced by the process. B. May require customers to change their normal shopping behavior. C. Is not suitable for obtaining primary data. D. Uses personal interviews. 29) The attitudes and behavior patterns of people are part of the A. Competitive environment. B. Social and cultural environment. C. Firms resources and objectives. D. Political environment. 30) Which of the following statements about consumer pro ducts is true? A. Specialty products are those that customers usually are least willing to search for. B.Shopping products are those products for which customers usually want to use routinized buying behavior. C. unsought products are not shopped for at all. D. Convenience products are those that customers want to buy at the lowest possible price. 31) ______________ is the process of naming broad product-markets and then segmenting these broad product-markets in order to select target markets and develop suitable marketing mixes. A. Mass marketing B. Strategic planning C. Market positioning D. Market segmentation 32) Which is the first look in market segmentation? A. Naming a broad product-market of interest to the firm.B. Evaluating market segments to determine if they are large enough. C. Finding one or two demographic characteristics to divide up the whole mass market. D. Clustering people with similar needs into a market segment. 33) The first step in market segmentation shoul d be A. Finding a demographic group likely to use your products. B. Defining some broad product-markets where you may be able to operate profitably. C. Deciding what new product you could develop. D. Evaluating what segment(s) you currently serve. 34) Which of the following is NOT one of the texts product life bicycle stages?A. Market introduction B. Market growth C. Market maturity D. Market penetration 35) The product life cycle A. Applies more to individual brands than to categories or types of products. B. Shows that gross revenue and profits tend to move together over time. C. Describes the stages a new product idea goes through from beginning to end. D. Has five major stages. 36) Tom and Sally Jones are preparing to purchase a new car. He currently has a Toyota Camry and she has a Honda Accord. They now have two children under age 5, so they plan to trade in Sallys car to purchase a minivan.Sally and Tom decided on a Honda Odyssey because Sally is familiar with Hondas and thi nks they are very reliable. In this purchase situation, Tom and Sallys family life cycle stage is a _____________ segmentation dimension, and the benefit Sally seeks (reliability) is a _____________ segmentation dimension. A. Geographic behavioral. B. Demographic geographic. C. Geographic demographic. D. Demographic behavioral. 37) Regarding product life cycles, which of the following is NOT true? A. It is usually expensive for a new firm to enter in the market maturity stage. B.Industry profits are likely to level off or decline before sales level off. C. The level of promotion usually decreases in market maturity because there is less revenue to crosscut the cost. D. Many close substitutes are usually competing in the market maturity stage. 38) An industrys sales have leveled off and profits are declining in oligopolistic competition. Consumers see competing products as homogeneous. Several firms have dropped out of the industry, but a new one entered recently. Firms in the indus try are trying to avoid price-cutting by spending on persuasive advertising.These firms are competing in which stage of the product life cycle? A. Market introduction B. Market growth C. Market maturity D. Market development 39) During the market introduction stage of the product life cycle A. Funds are being invested in marketing with the expectation of future profits. B. Considerable cash is spent on promotion while place development is left until later stages. C. Products usually show large profits if marketers have successfully carved out new markets. D. Most potential customers are quite anxious to try out the new-product concept. 40) Advertising allowances A.Set the allowance amount as a portion of the retailers actual purchases. B. Are price reductions to firms further along in the channel to encourage them to advertise or otherwise promote the firms products locally. C. Involve intermediaries and producers sharing in the cost of ads. D. Allow for coordination and integra tion of ad messages in the channel. 41) SGCA is having a sales contest to encourage retailers to quickly reduce the inventory of SuperGamer computers. Retailers with the highest sales during the next calendar month win an expense paid trip to a special dealer meeting at a resort in Hawaii. This is A.An example of a producer using sales promotion in the channel. B. Probably illegal because it might encourage price competition among retailers. C. An example of cooperative advertising. D. The type of promotion that continues to match sales even after the promotion is over. 42) While watching a television program, Liza gets a phone call just as a commercial is starting. She presses the mute button on the televisions remote control and takes the call, so she pays no attention to the commercial. In terms of the communication process, the telephone call is an example of A. Feedback. B. Noise. C. Encoding.D. Decoding. 43) A producer using very aggressive promotion to get final consumers to ask intermediaries for a new product has A. A pushing policy. B. A target marketing policy. C. A force policy D. A selective distribution policy. 44) American Tourister, Inc. a producer of luggageis planning to introduce a new product line. The marketing manager is having her sales force call on retailers to explain American Touristers consumer advertising plans, the unique features of the new luggage, how the distributors can best promote it, and what sales volume and profit margins they can reasonably expect.This is an example of A. A pushing policy. B. Intensive distribution. C. A pulling policy. D. Selective distribution. 45) Integrated direct-response promotion A. Is not necessary or useful when the channel of distribution involves intermediaries. B. Is usually part of a pushing effort rather than part of a pulling approach. C. Focuses on achieving a measurable, direct response from specific target customers. D. None of these are true. 46) Which of the following statements ab out positioning is NOT TRUE? A. It helps marketing managers know how customers view the firms offering. B.It refers to how customers think about proposed or present brands in a market. C. It often makes use of techniques much(prenominal) as perceptual mapping. D. spatial relation issues are specially important when competitors in a market are very dissimilar. 47) When segmenting broad product-markets, cost considerations tend A. To lead to a large number of small, but very homogeneous, product-market segments. B. To lead to more aggregating. C. To encourage managers to disregard the criterion that a product-market segment should be substantial. D. To be unimportant as long as the segmenting dimensions are operational. 48) Positioning analysis A.Shows that managers and customers usually view present brands similarly. B. Is not a product-oriented approach. C. Helps managers understand the actual characteristics of their products. D. Is a visual aid to understanding a product-market . 49) A _____ is a market with very similar needs and sellers offering various close substitute ways of satisfying those needs. A. Product-market B. Target market C. Generic market D. regular market 50) Which of the following is NOT a trend affecting marketing strategy planning in the area of international marketing? A. Decreasing parting of airfreight. B. Global communication over the Internet.C. Tensions between have and have-not cultures. D. More attention to exporting by small companies. 51) When a company grows globally, this is an example of A. Market penetration. B. Diversification. C. Market development D. Product development. 52) Identify the incorrect statement about sales promotions. A. The availability of more ad agencies and specialists has spurred growth in sales promotions. B. Changes in technology have made sales promotions more efficient. C. Sales promotions have increased because of competition in emerging markets. D. Sales promotions can be used as tools to over come consumer price resistance. 3) Which of the following is a key trend affecting marketing strategy planning? A. Growth of marketing information systems. B. less(prenominal) use of technology in personal selling. C. Senior and ethnic submarkets are getting smaller. D. Slower new-product development. 54) It is usually the _________ job, perhaps with help from specialists in technology, to decide what types of sales technology tools are needed and how they will be used. A. Purchasing managers B. Marketing executives C. Sales managers D. Procurement managers 55) The future poses many challenges for marketing managers because A.Social responsibility applies only to firmsnot to consumers. B. New technologies are making it easier to abuse consumers rights to privacy. C. It is marketing managers who have full responsibility to preserve our macro-marketing system. D. The marketing concept has become obsolete. 56) Many Internet sites, such as Autobytel. com and Edmunds. com, have extensive information about the prices of new and used vehicles that anyone can use for free. In light of the availability of this information, what is the responsibility of consumers to use it? A. Consumers should not trust any information they receive from any source except the government.B. Consumers should not use it because it gives them an unfair advantage over car dealers. C. Consumers can use it, but should not feel a responsibility to do so. D. Consumers have a responsibility to use the information and be smarter customers. 57) Which of the following statements about honest behavior in business is true? A. The legal environment sets the normative standards of good behavior. B. The legal environment sets the highest standards of ethical behavior. C. The legal environment sets the minimum standards of ethical behavior D. The legal environment sets the maximum standards of ethical behavior.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Black Widow Killers
Black Widow Killers The Baby Butcher strikes again This could have been the heading of the local paper in the late 1800s, when a small churl was found floating down the river in a small town in Great Britain. Amelia Dyer was known as The Baby Butcher during the nineteenth speed of light because of her brutal killings of infants and young children. When asked why she committed these sadistic murders she, replied with I was sending them to God (Rattle, Vale, & Rennell, 2007). Historically consecutive killers have been around for centuries.Although most of these have been men, feminines throwaway for the most sadistic killings. Why does society find it more likely that a homosexual can kill then a woman? When assignment a male serial killer such as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, or Jack the Ripper, most people probably can name at to the lowest degree one victim. On the other hand mention the name Elizabeth Bathory who murdered more then 300 young women, then bathed in their bloo d with the persuasion that her beauty would be restored. Maria Jager murdered a large number of children and adults for profit and thrills while held prisoner in Hungry.In 1912, Louise Lindoff poisoned her entire family for insurance money. Other victims of female serial killers ranged from small children to grown adults for a number of various reasons. Females could commit murder the same as men. Money, power, lust, revenge, pleasure, or even what they believe is higher powers ar among the reasons females decide to kill. According to Peter Vronsky, the author of Serial Killers The method and madness of monsters, When women commit violence the only explanation offered has been that it is involuntary, defensive, or the female physiology.Postpartum depression, premenstrual syndrome, and climacteric have been included among the named culprits (2007). Being an outsider or rejected by society as a child could also play a massive role concerning serial killers. A majority of serial ki llers both male and female suffer from psychopathic disorders, this is currently called antisocial personality disorder or ASPD (Vronsky p52 pp5). Most serial killers begin developing daydreams or fantasies during childhood. Some of these even begin to torture or kill small animals (Vronsky p4 pp5). A stressful or unstable family life is a ajor factor in most killers. The definition of a serial killer differs from person to person. In 1998, the United States Congress passed a federal law titled Protection of Children from Sexual Predator Act of 1998. Title 18, United States Code, Chapter 51, and Section 1111, defines serial killing as The term serial killing means a series of three or more killings, not less than one of which was committed within the United States, having common characteristics such as to suggest the reasonable possibility that the crimes were committed by the same actor or actors. Federal Bureau of Investigation Symposium, 2005) The psychopathy of a serial murderer is mostly the same in each crime. They lack the sense of remorse or guilt, atomic number 18 impulsive, feel the need for control, and display predatory manner (FBI Symposium, 2005). In the case of female killers these traits are acquired during a life changing event or even embedded in them as children. In such cases as Amelia Dyer or Elizabeth Bathory psychopathy played a major role. Not only is psychopathy a significant reason for serial killings there are several other significant reasons as well.Serial murderers kill for various reasons. Females, however, usually have an ulterior motive in mind when they choose and act upon their victims. These motives bring forth from a variety of sources money is the biggest reason for women to kill. They target men as victims when it comes to obtaining money. Life insurances policies are one of the biggest reasons why the men are targeted. Women also take to the woods to prey on their families and even small children as a sense of releas e or freedom. Although these crimes are gruesome and uncalled for acts of violence, the majority of them do not go un punished.Most serial killers are caught by law enforcement and sentenced to several years in prison. A few of these criminals are sentenced to death. In the late 1800s this would mean that the criminal would be hung in the town square in front of the entire town. Some crimes remain unsolved until the murderer dies of natural causes, which means they never, get caught or punished for their crimes. Even though cases are solved and criminals are prosecuted, theses crimes come at a cost for the families of the victims. Because the victims of female serial killers range in age, their killings affect some different people.Amelia dyer, killed infants whose mothers could not care for them. Elizabeth Bathory, killed young women of teenage years, these killings affected the mothers of the victims and their families. People such as Maria Jager or Louise Lindoff killed mostly a dults that left(a) parentless children and many families with unanswered questions. Male or female serial killers are everywhere. He/She could be the lady next door or the man down the street. Motives and reasons are unclear for most serial killings and their mental states are mostly to blame. The victims of these killers can range in age, race, and gender.Remember, think twice in who go for is placed, because she may just get down the next black widow killer. References Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2005). Serial Killer Symposium. Retrieved from http//www. fbi. gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder Morton, R. J. , & Hills, M. A. (2005, August). Serial Murders Multi-Disinplanary Perspectives for Investigators. Retrieved from http//www. fbi. gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder Vronsky, P. (2007). Female Serial Killers How and why women become monsters. New York, NY The Berkley Publishing Group. Rattle, A. , Vale, A. , & Rennell, T. (2007). Amelia Dyer, Angel Maker.
Monday, May 20, 2019
“If I Had A Choice†By Walt Whitan Essay
Wave likeness in Walt Whitmans If I Had the Choice Although not cadently or metrically consistent throughout, Walt Whitmans verse If I Had the Choice is very consistent in its attempt to resemble the characteristics, specifically the waves, of the sea whether read, heard, or seen, the metrical compositions adaptation to a waves nature is clearly evident. Whitmans use of repeated, but not uniform, rhythm in the poem exposes the up and down nature of waves, go the sudden, drastic heighten in rhythm helps depict the crashing of a wave. The metrical variation in the poem connaturally attributes to the resemblance of a wave, for it goes hand in hand with the length of each position, giving the poem the physical characteristics of a wave.While the there is no metrical consistency throughout the poem (probably make because no two waves be identically alike), there is a noticeable pattern and consistency in the rhythm of the poem. The consecutive use of iambs in the first tail fin ties of the poem help to not except emphasize the steady motion of the sea, but more importantly to give the poem a star of the up and down motion of the waves in the sea the pattern of un stress/stressed/unstressed/stressed syllables in every airwave is very similar to the up and down undulation of a wave.The electric switch from the iambic rhythm in lines one through five to a loud, sudden spondee in line six clearly depicts the image of a wave crashing. The spondaic rhythm (stress/stress) of the first two wrangling in line six, These, these, is an unexpected, drastic change from the prior unstressed/stressed pattern. Similar to the crashing of a wave, this change was drastic, and quick it does not last long, hence the reason for the poems quick return to an iambic rhythm. The poems last three lines are once again consistently iambic they are arse to the quiet, pacific motion of waves in the sea.Just as the height of a wave affects the billet of a wave, the meter of this poem affects its rhythm. Although there is no specific pattern for the number of feet per line in this poem, the meter is still greatly significant. When broken up iambically, the number of feet increase steadily from line one to four, until we reach line five, the longest (10 feet) line. The length of line five is significantly important in portraying the nature of waves it is representative of the amplitude of a wave before it is aboutto crash. Line five is ten feet long because it is followed by line six, the line in which there was a sudden rhythmical change, which portrayed the crashing of the wave. Once it crashes, the waves return to their prior size, just as the following lines of the poem go back to having the same range of feet as they did before line five.The alternating number of feet per line also allow the poems structure to resemble a wave no two waves are similar in frequency (height) or amplitude (width), just as no two sentences of this poem are identical in leng th. As the lines approach the gist of the poem, they get longer, and then begin decreasing in size after they reached the longest direct, line five. Since line five, the middle of the poem, is the longest line, when held sideways, this line is representative of the middle of a wave, its highest point right before it crashes.By using rhythm and meter skillfully, this poem is successful in imitating the rhythm of the sea, and the meter of the waves in the sea. In doing this, Whitman makes a very distinctive point rhythm and meter affect each other, just as the height of a wave affects its crash. This relationship is evident whether one reads, sees or hears this poem.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Form Follows Profit
001.png/Many spate dont gain how difficult it quite a little be to plan something. Particularly constructing, this is wherefore architects occupation isnt easy. The massing and over all(prenominal) image of the make is influenced by figure of different work outs and how of import they argon differs for each design. I would wish to cotton up the approximately of import 1s, and highlight which unmatchable of them cross mention rather ofttimes.As Richard Rogers said signifier follows net income, and this is aesthetic rule of our times , unluckily this is chief factor impacting the design and all the other maps in computer architecture. Although its non the lone 1. Other illustration is often on the really beginning of the working class the send. coat constellation, topography this has immense impact on design. Sometimes we can alter somewhat topography, but site normal would be more of an issue. very much in utmost instances this becomes the plus of finalised dow n the stairstaking, like it happened in Tokyo undertaking A life with big opening ofttimes called gap house designed by ONDESIGN.Following factor is oft one of the most powerful in cracking and besides in the bad manner. These are and include figure of community, get downing from client all the manner to vicinity, which sometimes influences the design. Probably one of most of import stakeholders is user/client, they frequently provide driving force for the design. As they may be personally involved in procedure of design and so twist. Possibly the best illustration of this could be STAMP HOUSEdesigned by Charles Wright Architects. This undertaking in was directed and influence by assorted factor of which the most ambitious was client, that desired C impersonal, off-grid architectural statement that would be new face of tropical architecture . Efficaciously this peculiar undertaking was as extremely influenced by clients debut of environmental design. Final design was to minimal ize impact on environment ( as client requested ) , so that ecosystem pettish it would non be affected. Therefore architects had to work really closely with experts and assorted administrations. Efficaciously this clear to zero C undertaking that is flat 5 cyclone cogent evidence and and then classed as a cyclone shelter, to boot its inundation cogent evidence and wouldnt suffer from any natural cataclysm as it uses on sight solar panels and rain H2O collected in 25000 liters armored fight vehicle that is besides located on the site. Another really influential stakeholders are neighbours and community groups. They frequently burden non merely design but besides whether edifice will be completed or non. Good illustration could be found in Manchester where populace waspicketing building of new Manchester Metropolitan University campus edifice, the site chosen by MMU has antecedently been picketed by same group of people and that was likely what caused investing to neglect. This cultivate it was different partly due to professional mode of architects, MMU and local authorities. Although as many people claim the chief function in this instance was played by another influential and sometimes criticalfactor economic position. As the economic crisis emerged rate of investing started drastically falling down, MMU used this fact to amount planning permission for Birley Fields proposal and convince governments and occupants. This merely reinforces and relates back to celebrated Rogers quotation distinguish Form follows net income, is the aesthetic rule of our times . This briefly mentioned local authorities as they are stakeholder stand foring local and public involvements. They are frequently chief organic structure that appoints people to guarantee, that edifice at it concluding phase is safe to utilize. Which evidently needs to be considered and included during design phase. unfortunately non everything could be predictedlike 9/11 terrorist onslaught. Alth ough authorities and interior decorators with apply scientists do their really best to nix similar catastrophes from go oning. Thisincludes meeting and exciding edifice ordinances, bamordinances and many more. These besides comparatively strongly influences the design. Number of people work to do certain edifice is safe the most of import and influential of which is applied scientist or squad of applied scientists. They do all the difficult computations, and this is what they have done in instance of WTC. Architects and applied scientists jointly admitted that they designed homo backing Center to defy air plane hit. Although it was impossible foredifice to command this with so intense fire inside it. This leads me to another factor that strongly influences design that makes it possibleand functional. tear down sterling(prenominal) edifice on the Earth without sufficient services and construction to back up it is a catastrophe. This is why applied scientist and sometimes M & 038 A E engineer consequence design. Often particularly in large undertakings architect and structural applied scientist work in coaction to make concluding design. This is developing from the sentence said by Louis Sullivan about his new Wainwright Building form follows function . Even if designer and applied scientist work near together they are frequently limited by building methods and procedures, like it about happened with Beetham Tower in Manchester. The design caused a batch of difference on how and whether it would be possible to safely build four-metre cantilever which is definite land grade in Manchesters skyline. discourteous Lloyd Wright found similar job when he proposed Mile High Illinois which was proposed in 1956 and neer been built, merely because building methods wouldnt allow it so and perchance even now it could be disputing to build this proposed edifice. Although this shouldnt be a ground non to plan it there are figure of undertakings that has been design ed and either non construct or changed during building because this coordination between designer and applied scientist wasnt successful. Similar cooperation would be good between M &038 A E applied scientist and designers. Although services that M &038 A E is taking attention of frequently are non of peculiarly of import at the design phase and hence sometimes they tend to be pushed to blank box where they should be placed or they non even included at all. Unfortunately this is frequently non adequate topographic point and extremelyeffects aesthetics of inside. This wasnt instance in Pompidou Centre in capital of France where all the services are on the external facade and therefore services engineer strongly effected or really created the ocular aspect of this edifice. This advanced design created really industrial visual aspect, besides its good topographic point to gain how many services and work goes into parts of edifice that are normally hidden. Possibly concealing all th is causes people to believe anyone can construct a edifice and name itarchitecture and this is wrong. Another act uponing factor is decidedly sustainability. This factor is more and more frequently mentioned in clients demands as its good for PR. Although due to planetary heating and heat island consequence more and more governments and governments include some signifier of sustainability in their edifice ordinances. And hence its decidedly outside of architects influence. Although sometimes this every bit good as other limitations allow spectacular designs to be created and to emerge, likewise like it was with Pompidou Centre with services, they allowed it to be great edifice. Often sustainability of the edifice doesnt cause immense consequence on the design, although it has to be considered from the start. Another strongly influential factor that I would wish to advert is clip. As we know time is money this is what Benjamin Franklin said, and its still valid. Different people ne ed speedy design for figure of different grounds. No map of ground this influences the design. It may be that because designer demand to complete design really rapidly and he cant polish all the. It could be that person full treatment truly good under force per unit area and hence concluding design may come out brightly. In most instances where clip is of import factor client decide to utilize unconventional edifice procedure called Design and Build this means that building starts every bit shortly as architect creates rough form. That causes that some of the inside informations cant be changed as they may already been built. This isnt something new, its go oning for long clip, one of best illustrations is Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, this Roman Catholic basilica designed by designer Antoni Gaudi , building started in 1882, this is 122 old ages ago, and its still nonfinished. This wouldnt be possible without this building method, and hopefully if finished in 2028 as current estim ations show it would be decidedly one of the prolonged building processes in the history. As seeable on exposure above its non surprising, because as its organism build, the attending to the inside informations and the beauty of building is at the highest possible degree. Other influential factor that in my sentiment is cardinal is the map. The function of designer is to happen the solution for many, sometimes really difficult jobs. This is what in my sentiment defines good designer. Its non merely how pretty the edifice is, or how tall, its about how good architect or even designer thought about possible issues and how he solved it. other than edifice is merely a caducous. Functional but without idea putted into it, althought because form follows function or at least it should, the design supposed to reenforce the map, and decidedly non to travel against it. This is what many people claim that has happened in instance of Vitra Fire Station designed by Zaha Hadid, even though she is great designer, specific to herdesign manner. As many people claim, the sculptural fanciness of interior decorator caused edifice to be non functional as fire station and had to be handed over, and now its used for exhibitions and events and continues to be one of the high drifter on the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein. And Im non challenging fact that its evidently architectural high spot of the pastoral. Although its decidedly in its design more suited for exhibition country instead than fire station, because in instance of fire it was difficult for fire engine rapidly go forth, to the extent that some people called it unsafe. And hence I think its of import to make great designs, but non to bury about primary demands of the topographic point, even mill or storage edifices could be architectural statement non merely a edifice.There are many, many more factors that affect architectural designs all over the planet. Some more and other less, it all depends on client, and state of affairs that the edifice is universe construct, nevertheless decidedly most of import and most influential is map followed by site, money and the client.MentionShoebox home. 23 Oct 2012. House in a Gap. Online . Available athypertext beam communications communications communications protocol // Accessed 22 void 2014 Ondesign. Unknown. A life with big gap. Online . Available athypertext transfer protocol // English/works/062/ workTitle Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Oxford Dictionaries. Unknown. Oxford English Dictionary stakeholder. Online . Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Charles Wright Architects, Unknown. Stamp house publication. Online . Available Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Manchester flush News, 26 Feb 2011, Revealed New programs for Manchester Metropolitan Unive rsitys new Hulme campus. Online . Available Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Manchester Metropolitan University. Unknown. Birley Fields campus publication. Online . Available Accessed 22 Mar 2014 9/11 Blogger. 21 Feb 2007. What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said Before and After 9/11. Online . Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 History, 25 Jan 2001. Unknown. 911 Facts with Hero and Victim interview with Frank DeMartini. Video on-line(a) Available athypertext transfer protocol // v=zl1GfcD3KZ0 Accessed 22 Mar 2014 World Trade Center. n.d. Image online Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Beetham Tower. n.d. Image online Available athypertext transfer protocol // gPost.advisor? _escaped_fragment_=blogPost= 2482 Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Wainwright Building. n.d. Image online Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Frank Lloyd Wright s mile-high edifice. n.d. Image online Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Gagnon, B. 20 Sep 2009. Sagrada Familia 01. Image online Available athypertext transfer protocol // Sagrada_Familia_01.jpg Accessed 22 Mar 2014 SBA73. 21 Feb 2011. Sagrada Familia nave roof item. Image online Available athypertext transfer protocol // Sagrada_Familia_nave_roof_detail.jpg Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Zaha Hadid. Unknown. Vitra Fire Station Publication. Online . Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 A nniina Koivu. 11 Jun 2013. Happy Birthday Fire Station. Onilne . Available athypertext transfer protocol // Accessed 22 Mar 2014 Form follows profit1200921975
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Microsoft Hazel Case Essay
cobnut had worked for the same Fortune viosterol Company for almost 15 years. Although the company had g wiz through some tough times, things were starting to sport around. Customer orders were up and quality and productivity had improved dramatically from what they had been only a few years earlier due to a company-wide quality improvement program. So it came as a real ball over to Hazel and about 400 of her fellow coworkers when they were suddenly terminated following the new CEOs decision to downsize the company.After recovering from the initial shock, Hazel tried to find employment elsewhere. Despite her efforts, later on eight months of searching, she was nowhere closer to finding a telephone line than the day that she had started. Her funds were being wipe out and she was getting more and more discouraged. There was one bright spot, though She was able to bring in a little money by mowing lawns for her neighbors. She got involved quite by chance when she heard one neig hbor remark that now that his children were on their own nobody was around to cut the grass. Almost jokingly, Hazel asked how much hed be willing to pay. Soon Hazel was mowing the lawns of five neighbors. Other neighbors valued her to work on their lawns, but she didnt feel that she could spare any more time from her job search.However, as the rejection letters began to pile up, Hazel knew she had to make an important decision in her life. On a rainy Tuesday morning, she decided to go into business for herself taking care of neighborhood lawns. She was relieved to give up the stress of job searching, and she was excited about the prospect of being her own boss. But she was also dread of being completely on her own. Nevertheless, Hazel was determined to make a go of it.At introductory business was slow, but once people realized Hazel was available, many asked her to take care of their lawns. somewhat people were simply glad to turn the work over to her others switched from other lawn care operate. By the difference of her first year in business, Hazel knew she could earn a living this way. She also performed other services such as fertilizing lawns, weeding gardens, and trimming shrubbery. Business became so good that Hazelhired two parttime workers to assist her and, even then, she believed she could expand further if she wanted to.QuestionsIn what ways are Hazels customer s likely to judge the quality of her lawn care services? Hazel is the Operations director of her business. Among her many responsibilities are forecasting, inventory management, scheduling, quality toast, and maintenance.What kinds of things would she likely forecast?What inventory items does Hazel probably draw?What scheduling must she do? What things might disrupt her schedules and cause her to reschedule? How important is quality assurance to her business? Why?What kind of maintenance must be performed?Hazel decided to offer the students who worked for her a bonus of $25 if she implemented one of their roots on how to improve the business, and they responded with several good ones. One idea that she initially rejected now appears to hold great promise. The student that proposed the idea has unfortunately left, and is truely operative for a competitor. What should Hazel do?Hazel Case RevisitedQuestionsWhat competitive advantage does Hazel micturate over her competitors? Hazel would like to amplification her profits, but she doesnt believe that it would be wise to raise her prices considering the current state of the local economy (she is aware of this current state because of her keen environmental scanning abilities). preferably she has given some thought to increasing productivity.Explain how increased productivity could be an alternative to increaseprices? What are some of the ways that Hazel could increase productivity?Hazel is thinking about acquire some new equipment. One type of new equipment she is considering is power sidewalk edgers. She be lieves that power edgers will jumper cable to an increase in productivity. Another type of new equipment would be a chain saw, which would be employ for tree pruning. What trade-offs must Hazel think about in her analysis?Hazel is fairly winning in her neighborhood and now wants to expand into other neighborhoods, including some that are up to five miles away. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of doing this? (this is a classic expansion dilemma) Hazel does not have a formal mission avowal and a set of objectives. Take one of the following positions and defend itHazel does not need a formal mission statement and a set of objectives. Many small businesses dont have them. She definitely needs a formal mission statement and a set of objectives. They would be super beneficial. There may be some benefit to Hazels business, and she should consider developing one.
Friday, May 17, 2019
A Very Indian Poem in English Essay
Nissim Ezekiel is maven of those Indian poets writing in English who creates an authentic flavor of India, by his wasting disease of Indian English Pidgin English on Bazar English, as it is often c aloneed. In this poem, the Indian flavor has been created by stressing the various mistakes which Indians commit in their lend oneself of English, by bringing in the hopes and aspirations of emancipate India, and also the attitudes of her two hostile neighbors, China and Pakistan.Poetic Inspiration for the PoemIt all started as a comment by a friend who said that you write in English no question and you write English well but you dont seem to even know or realise that constant of gravitations of Indians speak what lot only be called Indian English, So from that time in all his train journeys from Mithibai College back home, he started to take some pertain in the way English was organism spoken on the train. Every time he heard an obvious Indian English idiom like, Im non knowing only. he would take it down. When he had about a thousand of these, he thought of creating this bounty poem.The Indian Living ConditionsEzekiel presents that the radical generation is going after hammer and foreign things. He presents the typical Indian make up. The Indian living conditions are sought to be portrayed. The India of yester years is no longer to be seen here, as modernization and industrialization have speeded up the do by of change.The regrettable thing in the modern world is the act of violence and anti social tendencies proving to be a menace. Still the positive aspects like regeneration, remuneration and contraception could be thought of as a way out of the present muddle. One can certainly hope for the better and propagate the better that is thought as unique.Ancient Indian WisdomIn the second stanza, the readers get a chirrup into things Indians as Gandhis heir, he would opt for peace and non violence. He is puzzled why others are not following Gandhis advice while in this estimate, the ancient Indian wisdom is correct, contrastively the modern generation takes it to some(prenominal) is western and fashionable like other Indians, he too has to improve his English language. The student interest and petty agitations make him feel sickening line Antonys appeal to the Roman mob, he will call upon the fellow citizens to think of the past masters.Thus in the third stanza, he pronounces, In gear up to get away from that which is disgusting, he wants to have a cup of wine which is very good for digestion. It can be taken as equivalent to the western wine if only a little salinity is added to make it a lovely drink. The poet confesses that he is the total abstainer from drinks while it is taken by addicts to gunch themselves, he for his part would turn to simple drinks like lassi. Thus, the poet tries to receive the old Gandhian days.The World Situation forthwithIn the fourth stanza, the poet is able to think aloud and offer his comm ents on the world situation today. The present conditions all over the world speak of a bad trend that give an edge to the outturn of dangerous weapon systems and try to be superior to others. The countries of the world often tie with each other in keeping themselves ahead of others in this mad competitive world. This retrace often leads to conflicts resulting in loss of preciously human exserts. If only one considers the other as the brother the trend could be changed.Unity in DiversityIndia is a land where the principle of unity in Diversity is practiced. Here many communities live together even though there are some problems. This ideal situation in which one Co-exists with the other is described as Ram Rajya by the poet. He gives the hand of friendliness to the visitor and expects him to gain again. The poet is optimistic when he says that he enjoys every moment of good company. So, he ends the poem by manifestation that he does not feel the necessity of celebrating ceremo nies.Common Mistakes highlighted in the PoemSubstrate influence on grammar is quite common. It is often frowned upon as wrong, but eventually becomes a regular part of the new language variant. The Patriot contains a number of Indian English examples the reduplication of verbs in bit fighting, the lack of indefinite and definite articles in threw stone at Indirabehn and all people of world, the use of one instead of the indefinite article a in one glass lassi, the exuberant use of the definite article the in not that I am ever tasting the wine, the excessive use of the continuous tense (the -ing form) in I am standing for peace and non-violence, the omission of an imposed object pronoun in modern generation is neglecting (instead of neglecting this) etc. Again, this is a satirical poem rather than a genuine example of Indian English, but the phenomena exemplified are genuine enough.ConclusionNissim Ezekiel occupies a unique limit among Indo-Anglian poets of post-Independence era. Nissim opposed the idealism and romanticism of the earlier group of Indian writers in English, and tried to look at any typical Indian situation with an Indian attitude, with a novel and dynamic Indian insight. He cleverly manipulated Indian English to bring out the Indian worldview.Thus Ezekiel uses Indian English, or baboo Angrezi in his poetry to depict the characteristics of Indian attitude. He used irony as a weapon to depict the characteristic features of Indian attitude.
Egg Supply Chain
In a some weeks you will start seeing quite a few sales on ballock. why? Eggs be superstar of the main staples in the easter holiday tradition. Everyone gets together the night before Easter and colors their ball a wide range of colors to put in their Easter baskets for the Easter Bunny to hide. An screwball seems like such a simple food item, very few people ever wonder what all had to happen in order for them to be able to grease ones palms their eggs from the grocery store store. If there were suddenly no eggs to color for Easter I am sure everyone would then requisite to know. If it even possible to think that the grocery stores would have no eggs? The answer is yesIn order for that carton of eggs to be on the shelf of the store it essential travel the supply fibril. A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform subjective resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. Egg would seem like such a simple product that there really couldnt be that much to the supply chain wedded that the chicken lays the eggs, the sodbusters puts them in cartons and a truck delivers them to the store.Eggs dont go through treat like most other food products but still there can be a lot to them depending on what type of eggs you buy and where from. Many people still get theirs from the grocery stores but a acclivity trend is to purchase them farmers securities industrys or directly from the farmer. Going directly to the farmer for your eggs is becoming to a greater extent popular because people want to know where their food is coming from and want to know that the animals are not being mistreated or given hormones.In order to dispute the supply chain for eggs one must rootage ask the questions,Which came first the egg or the chicken? When you attempt to do a supply chain for eggs this is without a doubt the first question you would need to ask. Did the farmer get the egg first and then hatch the chickens to lay more eggs to sell or did he get the chicken first who then laid the eggs? For this paper we are going to assume that the chicken came first. So the first step in the egg supply chain is the hatchery no matter where you get your eggs the process started in the hatchery.Due to the rising trend of going straight to farmer for goods, we are going to look at the supply chain for eggs purchased directly from the farmer. Also this is how I get my eggs so I thought it would be more interesting, of course the eggs I get come from my aunt so there is not much to them aside from the gas used to drive to her farm and pick them up. Her chicks came from a friend who raised(a) chickens but for those farmers who do not have friends or neighbors who raise chickens they would go to a hatchery.Hatcheries are install all over. There are q uite a few in Ohio alone, a major one is found in the Cincinnati area. one time the farmer gets his peeps from the hatchery they are placed in a chicken coup detat which has access to a pasture for the chickens to graze. Chickens eat a wide variety of things but mostly are fed corn or other vegetables already found on the farm. Chickens that are allowed to graze form better quality eggs due to the fact that they get more nutrients from the ground than those chickens raised in cages.The next step in the supply chain once you have the chickens and they lay the eggs is to profit and package them for sale. Eggs are usually gathered on a plastic tray and then serve and sanitized then stored in a refrigerator. Many co-op farms that you buy from have you bring your accept container for your eggs, this saves them money and also the environment if you reuse the same carton. Most people just bring a carton from store bought eggs. The egg carton was invented in 1911 to help keep a farme rs eggs from breaking while delivering.Egg cartons come in a variety of forms from Styrofoam to molded take out and paper. You can even buy plastic storage containers for eggs that can reused again and again. One of major suppliers of egg cartons to small farms is a company called Eggcartons. com. They do not nonplus the egg cartons themselves but quite buy them in large quantity then sell in smaller quantity to farmers. Once the eggs are packaged they are ready for sale whether to a local farmer market or directly to the customer who visits the farm. Farm raised eggs there seems to not be as well as much competition out there.Very few farms do this and the ones that do are spaced a good ways apart, also the fact that the small farms cannot produce as much as the big companies limits them on what they can sell anyhow. The only major issue that could impact the supply chain for a local farmer is to lose his chickens or for them to fall ill and not be able to produce enough eggs to meet demand. Some interesting facts on eggs are according to discipline Egg Producer Organization ( I am not making this up, the group exists) Ohio is the number 2 egg producer in the United States, second to only Iowa.In 2008, over 209. 1 one thousand million cases of eggs were produced in the United States and of that 209. 1 million 68 million cases (32. 2%) were further neat (for foodservice, manufacturing, retail and export) 121. 7 million cases (58. 2%) went on to retail 18 million cases (9%) went for foodservices use and 1. 4 million (0. 7%) were exported. (http//www. unitedegg. org/useggindustry_generalstats. aspx) The Supply Chain Diagram pull upframe drawframe drawframe drawframe drawframe drawframe
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